Originally from Oklahoma City, huge Thunder fan and Hufflepuff always. I’ve worked as a performer at venues such as The Muny, Fulton Theatre, Milwaukee Rep and others. I’ve been a Master Tap Teacher for the Joffrey Ballet School since 2021, and love spreading tap across the country. Broadway world nominated choreographer from his work at the Fulton Theatre and always down to watch college football all Saturday if given the opportunity.

About Me

“What drives me is creating art that impacts people. That can be laughing or crying. My unique value as an artist is found in the multitude of ways I can make that happen. Whether through my teaching, directing, choreographing or performing.”

Let's Tap!

Let's Tap!

Alex Hayden Miller is an accomplished tap teacher who specializes in making rhythm tap more accessible for musical theatre tappers. Rooted in his knowledge of the history of tap, Alex wants to be a part of the conversation that it wasn't just people who look like him.

Let’s Work Together